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Jinnah: a Life
[Hardback - 2022]
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List Price: Rs.1595
Our Price: Rs.1595
Publisher: Lightstone | ISBN: 9789697161614 | Pages: 396
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Mahomed Ali Jinnah started his political career in the Congress as a staunch Indian nationalist. He believed in secular politics and was opposed to bringing religion into it. He was known as an ambassador of Hindu Muslim unity. So why did he, towards the end of his career, initiate the creation of a separate Muslimstate? This new biography provides the answers while casting fresh light on Jinnahx27s character, his personal life, his political and legal careers, his relationship with Gandhi, Nehru as well as his disagreements with their ideas. Carefully examining the major events of his life from early childhood to his first speech as President of the All India Muslim League Yasser Latif Hamdani presents a complex and compelling portrait of Jinnah who is often narrowly regarded as a votary of a theocratic Islamic state. Based on extensive research and a wealth of archival material, Hamdani has revealed those traits of Jinnah s personality that made him the most misunderstood leader of his times. He also comments on how religious zealots have turned Pakistan into an Islamic Republic contrary to Jinnahx27s vision.

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