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Give Us This Day (the Swann Family Saga (Volume 3)
[Paperback - 1987]
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List Price: £8.99
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Category: Fiction
Sub-category: Historical Fiction
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton Uk | ISBN: 9780340253540 | Pages: 768
Shipping Weight: 0 | Dimensions: 0

Adam Swann has grown old, and is struggling to keep up with the changing times. The Victorian age is giving way to the Edwardian and the horse is being overtaken by the motorcar, with devastating effect on his transport business. As the new century is born, the Boer war brings tragedy, but even this cannot quench the indomitable spirit of the Swann family.

Ronald Frederick Delderfield was a popular English novelist and dramatist, many of whose works have been adapted for television and are still widely read.Several of Delderfield's historical novels and series involve young men who return from war and lead lives in England that allow the author to portray the sweep of English history and delve deeply into social history from the Edwardian era to the early 1960s.FromWikipedia

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