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The Game Of Hearts: the Lives and Loves Of Regency Women
[Paperback - 2022]
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Publisher: Blink Publishing Uk | ISBN: 9781788707329 | Pages: 288
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From glossy costume dramas to gripping reads, the glamorous world of Regency London s Bon Ton is synonymous with romance - a place where dashing heroes and independently minded heroines flirt, fight and side-step scandal, all while in pursuit of the perfect match. But who were the real women who went looking for love in the age of elegance, and what were their lives really like? Taking us behind drawing room doors and into high society ballrooms, The Game of Hearts follows six leading ladies and their family, friends, and contemporaries as they move from matchmaking to matrimony and beyond. Candid insights into the competitive world of the marriage mart; real stories of rakish husbands and rich heiresses; and true tales of lost and long-lasting love, reveal not just Regency courtship customs, but truly captivating lives. Using diaries, letters and stories of scandal from the newspapers, author Felicity Day pieces together a rich and intimate view of this most beloved period of British history, showcasing the voices and opinions, hopes and desires of the real women who lived and loved in the Regency era

Felicity Day qualified as a solicitor before deciding to pursue a writing career. She has since written about British history and heritage - including her favourite period, the Regency - for a wide range of publications, from The Telegraph, The Mail on Sunday s YOU Magazine and Country Life, to specialist history titles such as the BBC s Who Do You Think You Are? and History Revealed. The Game of Hearts is her first book.

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