Discover the power of one-card tarot readings and say goodbye to complicated, confusing, time-consuming spreads forever.
A tarot practice is a great source for advice, insight, and spiritual connection, but doing tarot readings is sometimes complicated and frustrating. Multi-card spreads can be impractical, tedious, and full of opaque and contradictory messages that take time and practice to tease out. Enter the one-card draw or “card of the day”—simple readings in which just one card is pulled and interpreted. In Card of the Day Tarot, long-time tarot reader and the resident tarot columnist for Cosmopolitan magazine, Kerry Ward, offers 12 everyday one-card tarot rituals for a variety of questions and situations, along with simplified interpretations of all 78 cards, to help you hone your intuition, reconnect with the cards, and breathe new life into your tarot practice.
Incorporating other popular spiritual practices such as meditation, aromatherapy, crystal work, breathwork, and more, Card of the Day Tarot includes a range of one-card draws, readings, and rituals that demonstrate the adaptability and flexibility of the one-card draw. The readings include:
Good Morning! Tarot
Game Face Tarot
Yes or No Tarot
Tarot Wind Down
Dreams of Tarot
One-Card Tarot for Love
One-Card Tarot for Career
Trance Tarot
And more!
The book also includes revamped interpretations for all 78 cards, offering simplified messages for each one depending on the type of question being asked. Each card includes a life lesson, an affirmation, a reassurance, a yes/no designation, a direct call to action, and more, making this an easy reference guide that will work with any tarot deck.
Whether you’re a beginner reader still learning the meanings of the cards or an experienced practitioner looking for an easy way to bring more tarot into your life, Card of the Day Tarot is a practical, visually stunning guide to conducting meaningful tarot readings in your everyday life—without frustration, confusion, or hours of interpretation. It’s a must-have addition to your tarot shelf!
About the Author
Hi, my name is Kerry and I have been learning, reading, teaching and writing about tarot, astrology and other esoteric topics for over 25 years. I am a Gemini sun, Pisces moon, and Sagittarius rising. My mum says I was born weird and I have enjoyed all things magical and wonderful for as long as I can remember. That said, I don t think of myself as magic, or even psychic, and I firmly believe that ANYONE can enjoy reading the tarot cards, using astrology, and practicing rituals to enrich, enhance, and enchant their everyday life. I want these ancient and wonderful life tools to feel accessible and do able for everyone.
I write for Cosmopolitan, Metro, and other titles, creating weekly and monthly tarot forecasts.
I have 4 books available now (with more to come... watch this space...):
- The Good Karma Tarot deck, this is designed specifically for beginners and those seeking positive messages. It s extremely visual, accessible, inclusive and easy to get into.
- The Crystal Magic Tarot deck, co-written with my witch and crystal silversmith friend Bonearrow. This deck is unique. It works as a straight tarot deck (with all the necessary interpretation and guidance) but also as a manifesting tool. We have paired every card with a crystal, an intention, an affirmation, and devised rituals to help you use the cards as manifesting talismans, so you can MAKE your future happen, not just predict it.
- Power, Purpose, Practice. This is my first book book and it s based on my approach to tarot readings, which is to give people a total insight into their true nature. I show you how to use a simple system based on an insightful blend of astrology, numerology, and tarot to define your personal power, purpose and practice. All you need is your birth date and the book delivers the rest: who you truly are and what you truly should be doing with your life! A life compass for everyone.
- Card Of The Day Tarot, due out January 11th. An ultimate tarot guidebook dedicated to all those dusty tarot decks not being used! I reconfigure the tarot card meanings so they can each answer ANY question, so you only ever need to pull ONE card. I also create rituals and techniques to being tarot into your everyday life in a meaningful way, giving you access to its wisdom and guidance in any life area, at any place/time. Stunningly hand-drawn illustrations which WILL blow you away by Adam Oehlers.
I really hope you enjoy reading my books and using my tarot decks. And, if you d like a personal tarot reading with me then head to my Etsy store, look for Tarotbella, to book one today.