El Presagio, causó un revuelo mundial; El presagio II va aún más lejos y revela lo que no se había podido exponer hasta ahora… Esta obra
Descubre las señales y las manifestaciones que han aparecido en Estados Unidos de América y el mundo hasta este preciso instante, y lo que revelan sobre el futuro.
Devela los misterios de la puerta, el Libro de los días, la imagen, el árbol del juicio, los hijos de las ruinas, los temblores, la plaga, el barco misterioso, el Balcón Oeste, el día del atalaya y mucho más.
Además, da a conocer la clave de todo ello, la esperanza y la respuesta.
Cuando leas esta obra, nunca más volverás a ver al mundo de la misma manera.
Prepárate para lo que viene… te impresionará profundamente.
Jonathan Cahn causó revuelo mundial con el lanzamiento de su explosivo primer libro titulado El presagio, que se convirtió instantáneamente en un éxito de ventas de la lista del New York Times y lo llevó a la fama nacional e internacional. Sus siguientes cuatro libros también se ubicaron entre los más vendidos del New York Times: El misterio del Shemitá, El libro de los misterios, El paradigma y El oráculo. Jonathan Cahn es un orador muy solicitado y ha sido destacado en muchos medios nacionales e internacionales. Ha hablado en las Naciones Unidas, en el Congreso de Estados Unidos de América y ante millones de personas en todo el mundo.
NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Best-Selling BookFrom the author that brought you 6 New York Times best-selling books including The Harbinger, The Book of Mysteries, and The OracleIs America heading to judgment? What lies ahead? Discover what no book has ever revealed . . . until now!
Are the unprecedented crises of our times, the signs and warnings of coming judgment?
Does an ancient mystery hold the secret to the events of our times, and the future of America and the world?
Is this mystery even behind the shakings that have now overtaken the world and America?
How much time do we have left?
In 2012, Jonathan Cahn caused a worldwide sensation with the release of his first book and massive bestseller The Harbinger. It was hailed as ‘stunning,’ ‘prophetic’ ‘mind-blowing,’ and ‘astonishing.’ Cahn followed it with bestseller after bestseller but he has always held off on writing a sequel. But now, for the first time, Cahn opens up what could not be unlocked before - the mysteries that couldn’t be revealed until the present time, the manifestations that have taken place since The Harbinger came out and up to the present hour, and the mysteries of what is yet to come.
Ever since The Harbinger was released, people have been asking…
Is an ancient mystery determining America’s future?
Have the harbingers of judgment continued to manifest on American soil?
Is America closer now than ever before to judgment and what lies ahead for America and the world?
The Harbinger ended by speaking of what was yet to come. That which was written is now coming true. After years of holding back, because he believed it wasn’t yet the time, Jonathan Cahn has now written the sequel. The Harbinger II is being hailed as “a prophetic masterpiece” even more powerful and stunning than the first book and will take the mystery to new dimensions and disclose what could not be revealed in The Harbinger or until now. The Harbinger II will open up the mysteries of the Gate, the Watchmen, the Mystery Ship, the Word in the Ruins, the Boo