An exciting and touching tale of an Irish orphan-boy who has lived free in the streets of Lahore before setting out, with a Tibetan Lama, on a double quest. This eventually leads to enrollment in the Indian Secret Service and a thrilling climax in the Himalayas.
About the Author
Rudyard Kipling was born in Bombay (now Mumbai) on 30 December 1865. Having spent his early childhood in India Kipling went to study in England but returned to India at the age of 18 and joined as an assistant editor the Civil and Military Gazette, a small newspaper in Lahore. It was during his Lahore days that Kipling published his first book. He drew inspiration for most of his writings including the famous Jungle Books from India. He was a writer par excellence and wrote both prose and verse for adults and children alike prolifically. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1907. Kipling died in London on 18 January 1936.
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