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The Prophet Joseph In the Qur'an, the Bible, and History
[Paperback - 2007]
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List Price: $13.99
Our Price: Rs.5670
Category: Religion
Sub-category: Christianity
Publisher: Luna Books | ISBN: 9781906342005 | Pages: 300
Shipping Weight: .410 | Dimensions: 0

The Qur'anic sura (chapter) of Joseph deals almost entirely with the story of this noble Prophet, his brothers, and their father Prophet Jacob. Since the revelation of the Qur'an fourteen centuries ago, there have been numerous attempts to interpret this sura. The present study is a genuinely new look at the sura - including careful examination of the historical background of its story and detailed comparison with the corresponding Biblical narrative. While referring to interpretations from classical exegetical works, this book offers new insights into the meanings and magnificence of this Qur'anic text. The author is not only concerned with analysing the individual verses; he is equally focused on showing how various verses are interrelated, explicitly and subtly, to form a unique textual unit. He shows particular interest in unveiling subtle references and meanings that are often overlooked or missed by exegetes. Through this comprehensive study, the author elucidates why the Qur'an has always been firmly believed to be a unique book that could have only been inspired by Allah. Thorough and scholarly but easy to read, this book is intended for both the general reader and the specialist. Whether you are a scholar of Qur'anic exegesis (tafsir), have general interest in Qur'anic studies and the Qur'anic story of Prophet Joseph, or interested in comparative religion, you will find this in-depth and detailed study of the sura of Joseph informative, enlightening, and thought-provoking. No knowledge of Arabic or the Qur'an is required for reading the book.

Louay Fatoohi was born in Baghdad, Iraq, in 1961. He and his wife migrated to the UK in 1992. He lives in Birmingham, England. He obtained a BSc in physics from Baghdad University, Iraq, in 1984 and a PhD in astronomy from Durham University, UK, in 1998. Originally from a Christian family, Louay reverted to Islam in his early twenties. In addition to being his faith of choice and way of life, Islam is for him is a subject of deep intellectual interest. He has authored over twenty books in English and Arabic, edited and translated two manuscripts, and published tens of articles. Louay is interested in Qur'anic and Islamic studies in general, but his main areas of research are as follows: - Comparative study of history in the Qur'an, Jewish and Christian scriptures, and independent historical sources - Sufism - History of the Qur'anic text and revelation - Quranic Exegesis

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