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The Swiss Family Robinson (Everyman's Library Children's Classics)
[Hardback - 1994]
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List Price: £12.99
Our Price: Rs.3295 Rs.2965
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.330
The Adventures Of Robin Hood
[Hardback - 1994]
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List Price: £12.99
Our Price: Rs.3295 Rs.2965
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.330
The Jungle Book
[Hardback - 1994]
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List Price: £12.99
Our Price: Rs.3195 Rs.2875
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.320
Little Women And Good Wives (Everyman's Library Children's Classics)
[Hardback - 1994]
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List Price: £12.99
Our Price: Rs.3545 Rs.3190
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.355

Kidnapped (Everyman's Library Children Classics)
[Hardback - 1994]
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List Price: £15
Our Price: Rs.3795 Rs.3415
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.380
The Prince Of The Pond:Otherwise Known As De Fawg Pin
[Paperback - 1994]
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List Price: $6.99
Our Price: Rs.1295 Rs.1101
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.194
Junie B. Jones And Some Sneaky Peeky Spying: Junie B. Jones (Book 4)
[Paperback - 1994]
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List Price: $4.99
Our Price: Rs.895 Rs.805
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.90
Alone In His Teacher's House: Marvin Redpost (Book 4)
[Paperback - 1994]
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List Price: $6.99
Our Price: Rs.1245 Rs.1058
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.187

Three Up A Tree
[Paperback - 1994]
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List Price: $4.99
Our Price: Rs.945 Rs.803
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.142
John Henry
[Hardback - 1994]
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List Price: $19.99
Our Price: Rs.3845 Rs.3268
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.577
The Ledgerbook Of Thomas Blue Eagle
[Hardback - 1994]
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List Price: $21.95
Our Price: Rs.5445 Rs.4628
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.817
Amanda Pig On Her Own
[Paperback - 1994]
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List Price: $4.99
Our Price: Rs.995 Rs.846
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.149

Pirates Past Noon: Magic Tree House (Book 4)
[Paperback - 1994]
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List Price: $6.99
Our Price: Rs.1345 Rs.1210
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.135
Kit And Kat
[Paperback - 1994]
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List Price: $5.99
Our Price: Rs.1095 Rs.931
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.164
I Love You, Sun, I Love You, Moon
[Board Book - 1994]
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List Price: $7.99
Our Price: Rs.1445 Rs.1228
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.217
Blackberries In The Dark
[Paperback - 1994]
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List Price: $5.99
Our Price: Rs.995 Rs.846
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.149

Guess Who?
[Hardback - 1994]
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List Price: $17.99
Our Price: Rs.5095 Rs.4331
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.764
Pink And Say
[Hardback - 1994]
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List Price: $19.99
Our Price: Rs.3795 Rs.3226
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.569
The True Story Of Pocahontas
[Paperback - 1994]
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List Price: $5.99
Our Price: Rs.1095 Rs.931
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.164
Hansel And Gretel
[Paperback - 1994]
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List Price: $8.99
Our Price: Rs.1595 Rs.1356
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.239