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Tragedia En La Iglesia: Los Dones Perdidos / Tragedy In The Church: The Missing Gifts
[Paperback - 2022]
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List Price: $10.99
Our Price: Rs.2995 Rs.2546
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The Light Within A Human Heart:the Book Of Asaph
[Hardback - 2022]
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List Price: $24.95
Our Price: Rs.5845 Rs.4968
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Battle For The American Mind:Uprooting A Century Of Miseducation
[Hardback - 2022]
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List Price: $28.99
Our Price: Rs.7695 Rs.6541
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The Race-Wise Family:Ten Postures To Becoming Households Of Healing And Hope
[Paperback - 2022]
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List Price: $17
Our Price: Rs.2895 Rs.2461
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Y En Paz Me Acostaré: 40 Reflexiones Esperanzadoras Para Tiempos Difíciles / I W Ill Lie Down In Peace: 40 Encouraging Reflections For Difficult Times
[Paperback - 2022]
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List Price: $12.99
Our Price: Rs.3595 Rs.3056
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You Save: Rs.539
Mary In The Qur'an: Friend Of God, Virgin, Mother
[Hardback - 2022]
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Our Price: Rs.7995 Rs.7195
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Truth's Table:Black Women'S Musings On Life, Love, And Liberation
[Hardback - 2022]
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List Price: $26
Our Price: Rs.4645 Rs.3948
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Point Man, Revised And Updated:How A Man Can Lead His Family
[Paperback - 2022]
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List Price: $18
Our Price: Rs.3145 Rs.2673
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You Save: Rs.472

Simple Y Libre: 7 Experimentos Contra El Exceso / Simple And Free: 7 Experiments Against Excess
[Paperback - 2022]
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List Price: $14.99
Our Price: Rs.2795 Rs.2376
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Someone Other Than A Mother:Flipping The Scripts On A Woman's Purpose And Making Meaning Beyond Motherhood
[Hardback - 2022]
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Our Price: Rs.4495 Rs.3821
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Simple Money, Rich Life:achieve True Financial Freedom And Design A Life Of Eternal Impact
[Paperback - 2022]
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List Price: $18
Our Price: Rs.3195 Rs.2716
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You Save: Rs.479
Mission Possible:Go Create A Life That Counts
[Paperback - 2022]
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List Price: $28
Our Price: Rs.4745 Rs.4033
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Acércate A Dios: Lecturas Diarias Para Profundizar Tu Fe / Drawing Near Daily Re Adings For A Deeper Faith
[Paperback - 2022]
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List Price: $14.99
Our Price: Rs.4495 Rs.3821
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Find Your People:Building Deep Community In A Lonely World
[Paperback - 2022]
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List Price: $27
Our Price: Rs.4645 Rs.3948
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Embrace Your Almost:Find Clarity And Contentment In The In-Betweens, Not-Quites, And Unknowns
[Hardback - 2022]
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Our Price: Rs.4145 Rs.3523
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Simple And Free:7 Experiments Against Excess
[Paperback - 2022]
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List Price: $18
Our Price: Rs.3095 Rs.2631
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You Save: Rs.464

Encuentra A Tu Gente / Find Your People
[Paperback - 2022]
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List Price: $14.99
Our Price: Rs.2645 Rs.2248
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.397
Nací Para Ser Feliz / I Was Born To Be Happy
[Paperback - 2022]
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Our Price: Rs.2945 Rs.2503
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Activa El Cielo: Usa El Poder De Tu Voz Para Ganar Batallas Y Andar En El Favor De Dios
[Paperback - 2022]
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Our Price: Rs.3045 Rs.2588
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All The White Friends I Couldn't Keep:Hope--and Hard Pills To Swallow--about Fighting For Black Lives
[Hardback - 2022]
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