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Shylock Must Die
[Paperback - 2018]
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List Price: £12.99
Our Price: Rs.1675 Rs.1507
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.168
Sylvia Garland's Broken Heart
[Paperback - 2015]
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List Price: £9.99
Our Price: Rs.1275 Rs.319
Standard Discount: 75%
You Save: Rs.956
Forbidden Love In St Petersburg
[Paperback - 2015]
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List Price: £10.99
Our Price: Rs.1275 Rs.1147
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.128
Duet In Beirut
[Paperback - 2013]
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List Price: £8.99
Our Price: Rs.1575 Rs.394
Standard Discount: 75%
You Save: Rs.1181

The Retrospective (Translation)
[Paperback - 2013]
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List Price: £9.99
Our Price: Rs.895 Rs.447
Standard Discount: 50%
You Save: Rs.448
A Woman In Jerusalem
[Paperback - 2011]
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List Price: £8.99
Our Price: Rs.1175 Rs.1057
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.118
The Second Son: Erlin Trilogy (Book 3)
[Paperback - 2011]
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List Price: £9.99
Our Price: Rs.1275 Rs.1147
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.128
Rosa: Berlin Trilogy (Book 1)
[Paperback - 2007]
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List Price: £10.99
Our Price: Rs.1375 Rs.344
Standard Discount: 75%
You Save: Rs.1031

The Book Of Q
[Paperback - 2007]
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List Price: £10.99
Our Price: Rs.1375 Rs.1237
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.138