U-Boat Hunter is the story of a young naval officer assigned to protecting Atlantic convoys from German submarines. Sixteen-year-old Peter Rogers joins an escort fleet in the North Atlantic where British convoys are suffering horrific losses from enemy U-boats. In this exciting tale, readers share in the trials and tribulations of his duties, the constant tension, the bitter cold, mountainous seas - and the moment when he and his father's captor come face to face. Vividly imagined and historically accurate, readers are taken on a first-hand journey of danger and peril.
About the Author
Bryan Perrett was born in 1934 and educated at Liverpool College. He served in the Royal Armoured Corps, the 17th/21st Lancers, Westminster Dragoons, and the Royal Tank Regiment, and was awarded the Territorial Decoration.A professional military historian for many years, his books include "A History of the Blitzkrieg" and "Knights of the Black Cross - Hitler's Panzerwaffe and its Leaders". His treatise Desert Warfare was widely consulted during the Gulf War. His most recent works, including "Last Stand, At All Costs" and "Against all Odds" examine aspects of motivation. During the Falklands and Gulf Wars Bryan Perrett served as Defense Correspondent to the Liverpool Echo. His books are widely read on both sides of the Atlantic and have been translated into several languages.
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