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Regarding The Pain Of Others
[Paperback - 2004]
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List Price: £10.99
Our Price: Rs.2295 Rs.2065
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.230
Under The Sign Of Saturn
[Paperback - 2009]
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List Price: £12
Our Price: Rs.2045 Rs.1840
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.205
On Photography
[Paperback - 2008]
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Availability in 2-4 weeks on receipt of order
List Price: £9.99
Our Price: Rs.1745 Rs.1570
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.175
Notes On 'Camp': Penguin Modern Book 29
[Paperback - 2018]
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List Price: £3
Our Price: Rs.645 Rs.580
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.65

Stories: Collected Stories (Short Stories)
[Paperback - 2018]
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List Price: £10.99
Our Price: Rs.2395 Rs.2155
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.240
Debriefing: Collected Stories
[Paperback - 2018]
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List Price: $18
Our Price: Rs.2395 Rs.2155
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.240
Reborn: Journals And Notebooks, 1947-1963
[Paperback - 2009]
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Availability in 4-6 weeks on receipt of order
List Price: $25
Our Price: Rs.2645 Rs.2380
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.265
As Consciousness Is Harnessed To Flesh: Journals And Notebooks, 1964-1980
[Paperback - 2013]
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Availability in 4-6 weeks on receipt of order
List Price: $25
Our Price: Rs.4395 Rs.3955
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.440

On Photography
[Paperback - 2019]
In Stock
List Price: £9.99
Our Price: Rs.2175 Rs.1957
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.218
On Women
[Paperback - 2023]
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Availability in 4-6 weeks on receipt of order
List Price: $17
Our Price: Rs.2695 Rs.2425
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.270
On Women
[Paperback - 2024]
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Availability in 2-4 weeks on receipt of order
List Price: £10.99
Our Price: Rs.2295 Rs.2065
Standard Discount: 10%
You Save: Rs.230
At The Same Time
[Paperback - 2008]
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List Price: £12.99
Our Price: Rs.2545 Rs.2163
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.382

On Photography
[Paperback - 1990]
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Availability in 4-6 weeks on receipt of order
List Price: $19
Our Price: Rs.3045 Rs.2588
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.457
On Photography
[Paperback - 1979]
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Availability in 2-4 weeks on receipt of order
List Price: £10.99
Our Price: Rs.2045 Rs.1738
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.307
As Consciousness Is Harnessed To Flesh: Diaries 1964-1980
[Paperback - 2013]
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Availability in 2-4 weeks on receipt of order
List Price: £12.99
Our Price: Rs.2445 Rs.2078
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.367
Debriefing: Collected Stories (Short Stories)
[Hardback - 2017]
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Availability in 4-6 weeks on receipt of order
List Price: $27
Our Price: Rs.4145 Rs.3523
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.622

In America
[Paperback - 2009]
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Availability in 2-4 weeks on receipt of order
List Price: £12
Our Price: Rs.2195 Rs.1866
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.329
Against Interpretation And Other Essays
[Paperback - 2009]
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Availability in 2-4 weeks on receipt of order
List Price: £12
Our Price: Rs.2195 Rs.1866
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.329