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[Paperback - 2019]
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List Price: Rs.200
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Sub-category: Journals
Publisher: Abc Books | ISBN: 9780451045126 | Pages: 0
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First PrintingTelepathy, reincarnation, mediumship, psychic healing, astrology, prophecy. These and other strange phenomena are beacons in the terra incognita of the human mind - that uncharted territory wherethe unknown begins.Jess Stearn is one of today's foremost writers and psychic explorers. In this remarkable book, he guides you through the fascinating world of extrasensory research and discovery, discussing such amazing happenings as the predicted deaths of John and Robert Kennedy, the extraordinary cures of Edgar Cayce, and fully documented occurrences of reincarnation and spirit contact. In addition, Mr Stearn provides detailed reports on the psychic experiences of Jeanne Dixon, Arthur Ford, General George Patton, Peter Hurkos, Bishop James Pike, Taylor Caldwell, Mark Twain, Thoreau, Benjamin Franklin, and many others, including the author himself.

Stearn was a Jewish-American journalist and author of more than thirty books, nine of which were bestsellers. As an author, Stearn specialized in sensationalist speculative non-fiction. His early work focused on outsiders and marginalized individuals such as prostitutes, drug addicts, and homosexuals. His later work focused on spirituality, the occult, and psychic phenomena. His most popular works were two biographies on the American psychic Edgar Cayce; Stearn was a conference speaker for the Association for Research and Enlightenment and a proponent of Cayce's theories.

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