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The Perfect Story: How To Tell Stories That Inform, Influence, And Inspire
[Hardback - 2023]
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List Price: $28.99
Our Price: Rs.6795 Rs.6115
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How To Be A Great Communicator: In Person, On Paper, And On The Podium
[Paperback - 1996]
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List Price: $22
Our Price: Rs.5745
Never Split The Difference:Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It
[Paperback - 2018]
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List Price: $9.99
Our Price: Rs.2645 Rs.2248
Standard Discount: 15%
You Save: Rs.397
Publicize Your Book (Updated):an Insider's Guide To Getting Your Book The Attention It Deserves
[Paperback - 2008]
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List Price: $24
Our Price: Rs.4195 Rs.3566
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The Five Commitments Of A Leader
[Paperback - 2008]
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Las 16 Leyes Indiscutibles De La Comunicación: Aplícalas Y Saca El Máximo Provecho De Tu Mensaje / The 16 Undeniable Laws Of Communication
[Paperback - 2023]
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List Price: $16.99
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How To Talk So People Listen:Connecting In Today's Workplace
[Paperback - 2006]
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Effective Business Writing:Strategies, Suggestions And Examples
[Paperback - 1996]
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List Price: $12.99
Our Price: Rs.3445 Rs.2928
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Myths Of Social Media: Dispel The Misconceptions And Master Social Media (Business Myths)
[Paperback - 2022]
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Our Price: Rs.4445 Rs.4000
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Open Space Technology:a User's Guide
[Paperback - 2008]
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List Price: $32.95
Our Price: Rs.7545 Rs.6413
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Speak To Sell:Persuade, Influence, And Establish Authority & Promote Your Products, Services, Practice, Business, Or Cause
[Paperback - 2016]
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List Price: $24.99
Our Price: Rs.7500
Consulting Demons:Inside The Unscrupulous World Of Global Corporate Consulting
[Paperback - 2001]
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List Price: $17.99
Our Price: Rs.4745 Rs.4033
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You Save: Rs.712

Facilitating Breakthrough:How To Remove Obstacles, Bridge Differences, And Move Forward Together 
[Paperback - 2021]
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Our Price: Rs.4645 Rs.3948
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Working With Difficult People, Second Revised Edition:Handling The Ten Types Of Problem People Without Losing Your Mind
[Paperback - 2016]
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Pitch Perfect:How To Say It Right The First Time, Every Time
[Paperback - 2016]
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Don't Just Do Something, Stand There!:Ten Principles For Leading Meetings That Matter
[Paperback - 2007]
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The E-Factor:Entrepreneurship In The Social Media Age
[Hardback - 2012]
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Business Studies (4th Edition)
[Paperback - 2010]
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Reputation Capital:How To Navigate Crises And Protect Your Greatest Asset
[Paperback - 2022]
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Winning Arguments:What Works And Doesn't Work In Politics, The Bedroom, The Courtroom, And The Classroom
[Paperback - 2017]
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